Indeed! I personally offer my heartfelt apologies for Zach's slothful and altogether reprehensible behavior.
It's been a while since we did our intro posts and explained that we're going to talk back and forth, person to person, so when the text changes color, that's us changing author. So for now and future reference: Zach = blue, Alexx = red. It's that easy!
So about half a year ago, back when Iron Man 3 was still new in theatres, we decided to each buy three figures from the Iron Man Assemblers line to do a spotlight on. The catch was that we couldn't tell each other which ones we got. We would just go right into the spotlight and reveal them there. I can't really remember what the point of the secrecy was, but I think it had something to do with letting the pieces of the figures speak for themselves, instead of us going "This one's cool because of this", "Aw yeah man, I agree, let's get the same ones!", "Good idea, and then we can blog about the same few figures". I dunno. Both of us said we wouldn't go crazy with this line, but we wanted to review a nice chunk of them. There's always the possibility we chose the same three, but we've kept the secret from each other this long, so we might as well get right to it.