Thursday, March 20, 2014

Trash Talk

So...  After FINALLY doing our first post here on the Eyebot, it's only taken us *coughnearlyayearcough* to do our second one.  Ya see, both Alexx and myself suffer from a debilitating decease called PROCRASTINATION.  It's not something we're proud of, but we have to live with it.  

I don't just live with it - I owe it money!  Every day it's on my doorstep askin' for cash, and I keep tellin' it I'll have it later.  It keeps accepting that answer because...well, it's procrastination.  Whatdoyawant?

Anyway, after lots of "hey, we should do this" or "we should do that" with planning the next post, we decided to just do what we're gonna do now.  

When I was a kid, my friends and I would play this game where we'd take the card back from a toy or use a magazine and divvy up all the toys into our teams.  We'd take turns, going back and forth until all the characters were picked.  Why?  Well, for fun, I suppose.

I've also done that, back in the day, but with the toys we had on-hand.  My friends and I did it back then for various reasons.  Most of the time we divided up figures to tell a story.  We just...worked with whatever we ended up getting!  Or we would create a video game, so to speak; using characters as bosses or player-characters and going around the room (or rooms) and making up levels, like the dresser being a mountain or the blue carpet being a water level.  Stuff like that.  Most of the time we spent so much time choosing and making up the basics of the game/story that we never ended up actually PLAYING said game/story!

But hey, me and Zach are countries apart, so we gotta work with what we have over Skype.  What's the topic, my man?

I've been in a Trash Bag Bunch mood for a while now.  Remember the Trash Bag Bunch?  It was a line made by Galoob in the early 90's that was built around one of those environmental/save the Earth themes that were big at the time (before Japanese card games came around and snapped kids of recycling).  The figures came in single- or three-packs and came sealed in little garbage bags.  You'd drop the bags in warm water where they'd dissolve and reveal the figure hidden inside.  They were blind bags before blind bags were cool!  Anyway, the line only lasted one series, but a second series was planned (and some figures even saw very limited release).  Pics of the second series are online, and the figures are almost all great.  Oh, what could have been!  The first series was fun, but the second series would have been amazing!

I only had a couple of 'em back in the day.  I was never a huge fan of static figures, though you wouldn't know it from the huge pile of M.U.S.C.L.E. Creatures that I had (still have, actually).  Doesn't mean I don't appreciate the style and the designs!

Since I hadn't played my little game in years, I asked Alexx if he wanted to give it a go.  He said yes. We did the whole thing over Skype since I'm up here and he's down there.

Glad you added links....'cause otherwise, that don't sound right.

What follows is basically our original Skype conversation, only edited for style (and slightly rearranged to make sense).  All of the lol's, brb's, and laundry talk from the original chat are left intact, but mostly because it's funny that it's still in there.

Let's Begin:

So, you in the mood for a team building excursive?

Both of those things.  Yes.
Alright.  And you understand how the game works.  It is tricky after all.
Well the only tricky part will be remembering what was already picked.
Since we take turns going back and forth we might pick one that the other wanted, but that's part of the game.  We just take turns choosing guys until they're all picked, then we have our teams.  And that's it.  No winners, no losers.  We just make our teams.  And I win.
Oh ho ho!  I'm going to have to try extra hard with you!  Anyway, who goes first?
Whoever can gargle the loudest.
How will we be able to tell?
Did you hear any noises in the last few seconds?
Well then I wasn't loud enough.
Sweet!  I get to go first then!  In yo face, sucka!  

My first choice is Blobeye.

Of course it is!
Shocking, I know
Ok, you go!


Also not a surprise.
Indeed, we could have chosen these for each other.
Well, the first choices might be obvious, but as we get deeper we might have to think harder.  I might have some surprises.

I choose Trasheeter.

I was thinking of making that my first just to mess with you.
That would have been cruel!  You don't have to avoid something because you think I'll pick it, but don't be deliberately mean either.  Cause I'll go home.


Well, I'ma go with Fillet-O-Filth so I can get in some of the monsters I like without worrying.

Fair enough.
Also he reminds me of Noonsa, a fishman from an anime called Slayers
I don't know if I've heard of that or not.  Is the main character a red headed chick?
Yes, Lina Inverse.
Then I have heard of it!  

Next for me is Eyeballer.

Yes it is.
I do have surprises coming up, I swear.

Scum Sabor.

So far you have one surprise, but Scum Sabor is not it.
Every other one is gona be a robot, so if you want one of those you better grab 'em.
Here's one of mine:  I actually like Germinator a lot.  I'm going with him.

Good call, he woulda been soon.
Phew!  Here's Bio-Degrader from Series 1, so you can see Germinator's details.  He's weird!

Whoa, the other one looks better!
Bio-Degrader, or Germinator?  I prefer Germinator.

You know I'ma have to get Barfo, though.

I'm not passing up a vomiting dinosaur named Barfo
Fair enough, he was lower down on the list for me.  Still cool though.

I gotta go with Mud Grub.

Garbotron, another non-surprise.

This one might be a bit of a surprise.  I choose Lumpster!

Nah, I kinda figured you might pick him.
His series one version (which is a different character) is one of my least faves.

But these new colors work better for him.
He does look cool!

Next monster for me is Dump Crusher.  


Not only does he look awesome and terrifying, but I need something that crushes dump like I need a vomiting dinosaur.
He's like an overzealous anus!  He's overzanus.  Good choice though, he might have been soon for me.  

I'm going with Toxic Hook.

That one is neatr.


He's an eyeball head too!  But yes, he is neatr than some of the others.

I'ma go with Junkstor next.

Sweet, I love Junkster's colors.  Very 90's.
He knows what year he's in!

I should go with Larvug while he's still around.

He was a later consideration. My next monster would have to be Dreg Master.

Skeleton guy!  Still knew you'd choose him.
Soon I'ma run out of my robot-every-other-turn and this'll get interesting.
I'm getting closer to interesting too.  I mean, there's lots of freaks, but I should start getting to my surprises.  Like Dirtblaster.

Hmm... Not a super surprise.  He's still monsterous, a little.  But a good one.
He reminds me of a bounty hunter.  Maybe he works with Lumpster.  I can see a few other potential partners for Dirtblaster though, like Compactor.

Alright, in an effort to apparently leave with you little to no robots: Zapoid.

Zapoid is sweet.  His Series 1 version is cool too.  It's a silver robot named Plutor.

Love the skulls.

I should go with Scum Slug before I start working on my less-freaky freaks.

Good catch, he was on my list!
I just saw two more super freaks I forgot to get!

But my next monster is Mongrowl, 'cause I like doggies.

And he's skeleton-y!  His Series 1 figure is grey and pink and called Junk Jackal.


Rubbisher for me.

Thought he was holding his own severed leg for a second there!  I'ma go with Stinkoid, 'cause I had the original grey one and it's one of the few I can remember.

I actually thought he would be your first choice!  That's one I left for you.  And I can see what you mean about Rubbisher's leg.
Yeah, he was so obvious that I left him for some others. In case you did want him.  Figured it was fair since I used to have him.
I still have him.
But if he lasted long enough I would grab him from the dwindling robot choices.

I'm going to go with Muck Mangler.  I can see him teamed up with Rubbisher, though he also works with Dump Crusher.

I'd also probably love him if I had him.
He is neat looking.  Lucious lips on that one.  I'm running out of the monsters I want faster than robots, or robot-like things.  I'ma go with Wrenchanator 'cause LOL.

Fear his wrench of DOOM!  He also works well with Fillet-O-Filth.
Good point!
Man, I love that name.  Fillet-O-Filth.  Random McDonald's parody.

Hmm... I'm at an impasse now.  I have NO robots yet, and there's still two that I want.  I should choose Trash Crab.  His Series 1 character is called Klutch, and he was my favorite in the series.

Brb, I have to put some laundry in.  But you can still make your choice.
Ok.  But good choice, Trash Crab was coming up real soon, if not next for me.  I'ma go with Bog Beast, since I'm mostly out of all-robot bodies.

Bog Beast was going to be next for me, so that was close!  Just a sec though, I'm not ready to be back yet...
Lol, so we both picked each other's nexts in fear of the other choosing them.
I guess so.  I was torn as to who would make a better partner for Lumpster: Dirtblaster or Bog Beast.  Now I'm thinking those latter two might work as partners for each other.  (Sorry that took so long by the way.  We had to put a lot of laundry away.  We have a bad habit of living out of laundry baskets instead of putting everything away, so we took care of that.)  Anyway, I'm stuck...  I'm torn between three...
LOL we are currently living out of a laundry basket, coincidentally.  I'll probably put it away later.
Glad we're not the only twisted freaks.  

Anyway, I think I'll go for Mighty Lice.  I'd probably kick myself if I missed out on him.

Ah, he was a consideration.  What am I on, monster?
I don't know.  Do you consider Bog Beast a robot?  I don't.
Yeah, I think I'm blurring the lines.
Also, do you see Germinator as a robot?  To me, he's a guy in a suit.
Guy in a suit, but they're very near and dear to me, like cousins of robots.
Ha, makes sense!
Speaking of which, I guess I better get Dirtbagger while I can.

He would have been lower on my list anyway.  I should get Pollutant while I can.

Ha, hadn't even noticed him until now!  Wasn't even on my radar.
Wow, really?  I think he looks cool.
I like his pop bottle though.
Yeah, I noticed it on his original figure too.  

Infector was the one.
I see.  Man that picture makes him look like a drunk!
Maybe he is!

BUT... Next I'ma get Filth Fang, because... Parts.

Nice, good crossover of our tastes.  I hate to steal one of the last robots, but I gotta go for Purifighter.  I just love the name.

That's fair, I was kinda saving him in case you wanted him.
Thanks buddy!
I was also saving Garblow 'cause he's kinda boring as far as robots go, but what the hell.

So he's your choice?  His Series 1 version is better, but "Garblow" is a hilarious name.

Oh, that's a tiny saw hand!  I like him better now!  But yeah, that's my choice.
Coolio-bebop.  I think I'm going to go for Dispose-All.  He's very similar to the Series 1 character, but I like how his name implies that he eats everything.

That was one of the others I had - two of him, actually, since they were blind bagged.  Weren't they?  Anyway, he was in green.

Technically yes, but there were numbers on the bags that were unique to each character.  You just had to figure out the order, which was ALMOST the order on the cardback, but not quite.
Ah, I see.  Wouldn't have known that back then.  Anyway...
I didn't either, I had a few doubles, like the grey skeleton guy and the guy with the wrench.

I guess Vaporator is next. Only humanoid I like so far.

I have Vaporator's Series 1 version.  I like how in this pic the "NEW" symbol is covered Vaporator's hand, so it looks like he's flipping the bird.  And being censored.  

Anyway, just to get him out of the way (and because I think I know how I'd use him), I'll go with Filthor.

Lol, I like how he's just a dude.  I don't know how long he's gonna last if he's gotta be fighting everyone off with a pistol!
His Series 1 version is a guy called Dr. Sheen, who I always thought of as the leader of the good guys, but he rarely sees battle.  Trashblaster would be the commander in the field.

Anyway, I can see Filthor as Dr. Sheen's evil twin brother, who is the true leader of the bad guys.  Strangely I always saw Muckoid as the leader of the bad guys, so I guess he could be the field commander or a general or something.  I don't know why I thought that, but that's what my childhood brain took as a given for some reason.  

Ha, interesting.

Anyway, your turn.

I guess I'ma go with Bone Picker, 'cause I just noticed he's skeletal.

He deserves to be on your team.  I've been saving him for you since the beginning.  

And since I'm thinking story lines right now, I'm going to go with Filthing next.  Maybe Filthor can transform into Filthing.

Lol, just like some sorta horrible Pokemon!  Or maybe Pukemon...
You're getting it! *party emoticon*.  Here's Skuzbeast from Series 1 so you can better see Filthing's details.

Neat, both colors are nice.  

I guess my next is Skankor, 'cause it's way too close to Skankwhore and I can't believe they didn't see that!  Also, I like 'em.

I agree, he's awesome and his name is hilarious.  And it looks like he has a bunch of alien dicks growing on his back.
Can never have enough innuendo on one body!
Apparently not!  

I'm going to go with Fiend of Filth, because he could also be who Filthor transforms into, if not a second alternate form.  But he should only have one other form.  


That one is cool.  

I guess my next is Fanoid, 'cause he looks like a hobo cyborg in junk armor.

How does he look like a hobo?
It's the hunched over look and the shaking fist holding a twisty pipe, as if to say "GET OUTTA HERE!  DIS MY ALLEY!"  And not just a hobo; a hobo cyborg.
I have a feeling a lot of these guys live in space alleys.

I'm gonna go with Scum Serpent, even though he doesn't look like a serpent.  You can tell he's big though, since he's using a car door as a shield.

Lol, yeah.  Didn't even know what to make of that guy.
He's got lots of eyes, so that's cool.  I have his original version too - Muck Master.

Well, I wouldn't dispute his muck mastery.
T'would be bad.  Your go.

Waste Wacker... Because I guess he's ready to whack the waste... Or the waste is wack?

He also deserves to be on the same team as Garblow.  I think I'll go with Trash Trooper.  If I ran the world, I would make a troop builder pack of him in different colors.

I probably woulda picked him a long time ago if he just had a helmet or something covering his face.
At least he has a cybernetic arm.
Didn't notice.  It was the same color as his pants.  Thought it was a sleeve.

Here's Sgt. Wastenot from Series 1, who could be the leader of the Trash Troopers.
Wastenot looks WAY better than the trooper!  

ANYWAY, guess I'ma get Scum Scaler.

Scum Scaler's cool.  I don't know how we got this close to the end without someone choosing him.  But there's at least two others that fall even more into that category, and I'm stuck between them.  I gotta go with Creep Claw.  I figured you'd want him since he has a screaming skull head, but if you're not going to take him, I will love him.

Couldn't even tell the details on his head!  Looked like a ghost head.
That works too.

Ahhhh, I see now.  

Anyway, guess my next is Batoid.

He's the other one I figured wouldn't get this far.

And out of the two left I have a feeling of who I'ma be stuck with...
And I really want to stick you with him.  But I'm nice.  In the fairness of the game (and who should really be on your team), I will take Flemmanator.  

Yes, he is hands down the dweeb of the series, but a simple color change could have saved him.  If he was green or yellow (especially transparent green or yellow), he could have worked as a slimy shapeshifter.  As he is, he's just a guy.  I would suck it up and use him as a slimy shapeshifter, but don't forget how nice I am.
Lol, thanks for taking the bullet!  Stain Brain isn't my top choice either, but he's better than dude- with-a-trident.

Kapt. Kollector has a name I can sympathize with, but he's still no better than Flemmanator.  And at least Stain Brain could be a guy who works on the robots.  I still have his original version too.
And the Flemmanator mold just... Wow...  They really didn't feel like putting imagination into that one, did they?
Yeah, he's just... He's just so lame.  It's like, here's all these crazy and weird looking guys... Plus a guy with a trident, because we used ALL of our imagination and there was still a spot left.
Lol, must have been the dregs.
A crazy skin color would have gone a long way to at least making him half-way decent, but they opted for normal skin both times.  What a pud.
They couldn't even figure out a name that matched him.  Why flem (phlegm or however you're supposed to spell it)?  Not only does he looks boring, but his name implies he just has a problem with nasal congestion.
Even Garbage Picker would have made more sense!  Maybe he picks and flicks his phlegm with his trident?
It's possible.

There's Stain Brain's details, if it helps.
Well, at least Stain Brain has better colors.


And that's the game!  Huge round of applause!  It can't all just be reviews or spotlights after all.  Sometimes, people who love toys just gotta play.  And this was an experiment of sorts.  Maybe we'll play the game again.  Maybe we'll post a Skype chat again.  We haven't fully locked down the process for dual posting yet, but once we get there, hopefully we'll post more.  We do have more topics we want to talk about.  We just have to deal with the P-word first.

Practical mathematics have often stopped me from doing fun things---

That would be PROCRASTINATION by the way.  What were you thinking?

Practical mathematics!  Doesn't that always get in the way?  I think I ruined the joke. 

Anyway, we'll see where this experiment takes us!  Personally, I like the chat-type format, and I'm curious how it'll work for further toy presentations.  Let us know what you thought and what you might like to see us talk about next!


  1. Digging the chat format. Was going to do my usual "witty remark based on a funny thing in the post" style of commenting, but there were too many funny things to chose from and I couldn't decide.

    1. Anything Flemminator-related is probably gold. Skankor's easy pickins' too.

  2. Why did I enjoy this so much? :P
    I owned Klutch and Plutor as a kid. I seem to recall specifically choosing them by matching up the numbers on the back. They still stand out for me even now, although I can see the appeal of a few others now as well. Garbeast and Slobber are decent looking molds, though it probably prefer Fiend of Filth's colour scheme. Batoid's classic bat-black makes it a better choice than the Sewerbat. The others I don't really care for. Both Trident guys really suck. And they had the nerve to call the series 2 one "new". The called quite a lot of repaints new, but that one is particularly cheap.
